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Kingfisher Minicat range launched
We believe power catamarans are the future of boating and accordingly, have now completed a range of cats from 3.7m up to 15m under the Kingfishercat branding. The latest are the 370, 430 and 490 Minicat models, with the 575PC and 705PC having been released prior to August 2014.
The 430 minicat pictured is powered by a single 30hp Mercury two stroke and with 4 adults on boat achieved 18 knots with little effort getting up on the plane. The ride was very smooth but one of the main features was the stability. With three adults standing on the gunwhale the craft didn’t look like coming close to tipping over!

This cat has buoyancy underfloor, under the centre seat, and within the side decks. Our aim is for positive buoyancy in event of a mishap and to this end will shortly be sinking the boat to do realistic testing.
This craft featured on our stand at the Tauranga Boatshow at the end of November. Several have now been sold with interest at a very pleasing high level.
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